I think we all have a pre-conceived notion of what hypnotherapy is. Phrases such as 'look into my eyes' and "you're back in the room' spring to mind! However, there is SOOOOO much more to it than that.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to helping you though life, and bringing you back to who you really are.
The pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. Whether it's missing friends and family, adapting your business to ensure you have an income, feeling lonely or stressed, it really has been a rubbish time! However, it may also have given you time to reset and think about YOU. I've certainly felt that way and, more recently, I've been thinking about my future and where I want to be. What is important to me and how do I want to make it happen and who do I want to make it happen with. I'm lucky to be surrounded by some wonderful people in my life, and the top of that list is my two girls. I've always wanted to show them that you can be in charge of your own life and make stuff happen, and so this is my focus - to create a great life for them and encourage them to be their own cheerleaders and strive for what they want.
I'd like to introduce you to a lady called Dipti Tait. Hypnotherapist, public speaker and author of books focused around dealing with grief and loss. She too has been on a journey in her life and training as a hypnotherapist has turned things around for her. It has helped her deal with the breakdown of her marriage and the loss of both her parents, all in a very short space of time. Now, I'm not saying we should all run out and train as hypnotherapists in order to get through lifes struggles, but if you watch the video below and understand more about hypnotherapy, it might help you. From the grief of losing a loved one, to focusing on what you want your future to look like, there really is no way you can go wrong by seeking help and advice. Maybe hypnotherapy is the thing that is missing from your life? Watch it and see and if you would like any more info then please get in touch or visit Dipti's website. Of course, she's on social media too!
Twitter @Dipnotherapy
Youtube Dipti the Hypnotherapist
Instagram @Dipnotherapy
I've been using Dipti's meditations for a while now and I really do feel that they are shifting my life towards what I want it to look like. It's fabulous! Her website is also chock full with information that you may find useful, so I highly recommend you visit it and find out more.